that doesn't tell me much but I'm just going to assume Maybe because at the very least sword could be best used by the Assassins considering most issue swords can cut through most basement line materials similar to a high frequency sword
question author has he played all the assassins games because if he has and he's an Britain does that mean he can go get Excalibur because that is in England still if I'm not mistaken personally I just like the sword
I'm just going to ask for future and my continued sanity because I do not understand British pounds system could you just do both the British pound system and the original currency system could it was easier for me to understand than that
ah you mean Marvel cancer death that entire universe is known as the cancerverse because literally everything that could have gone wrong literally went wrong in the worst possible f***** up way like every single person that was going to become a hero or a village yeah no the only ones who got someone of a happy ending were the f****** Fantastic Four but they still go horribly disfigured when they tried fighting Galactus I mean they won but like every single one of them were brutally disfigured they only plus side is they still technically had their sense of self
true words of never been said such wise words
also fun fact did you know that the original voice actor of Snow White signed a contract that basically made it impossible for her to work anywhere else if she needed to talk yeah apparently they made her sign over her voice rights she basically struggled to make a living after that it was very f***** up like she was in poverty after that and they only paid her $400 which was a lot of money back then but again b**** move on their part and even I'll admit her voice was beautiful unfortunately you couldn't hear it in anything else but that movie
nice not many people go after the Disney Princesses if you think about it they're too easy for Cinderella you can literally just buy her from her stepmother let's be honest Cinderella's only hired help at this point and if you just purchase her to be a maid then well that's covered for Sleeping Beauty I say f*** that b**** and just go for Maleficent so much better Sleeping Beauty is quite easy as well just grab her while she's sleeping like I'm pretty sure the waifu catalog Corporation would allow you to do that they have a way to cure that s*** but having Maleficent is just so much better pretty much every single one of the Disney Princesses could be taken pretty easily
don't forget she's also the compass to heroic spirits
it's almost like this that makes me want to find all of those H artists that corruptor You Know Who You Are
which version of Snow White are we talking original storybook version Disney version the s***** version where that b**** from Twilight play Snow White which really doesn't make sense to me she's not even that hot or we got this new version coming up which I'm pretty sure is going to have people burning down the theaters