Someone please kill her. I mean, I’ll do it, I volunteer. She just, she needs to die. She gives me a head ache 😣
Here I am hiding in the bushes with my binoculars, suddenly trying to pretend I was looking anywhere else 😅
Well thats good 😌
Yes. Because thats hiw logic works 😂
Obviously 🙄
Ok but this book legit makes me hate the human race😑
Thats right he’s not as rich as you are, he’s more rich then you! Also go AWAY!!!!!
You are the only one. Everyone else guessed that, I can assure you. I hate his stpidity 😤
I always know when l’ve found a good book when I literally have full on arguments with myslef about what the characters should or should not do. I can tell you, this is a good book.