The dark side of the Dao is a pathway to powers that some consider to be… unnatural
What’s wisterias?
Fair enough if your looking for any particular genre just reply to this message and I’ll have a look
Off the top of my head I can think of two that you may like: - Primarch of Liberty: a WH40k set during before the Horus heresy with the MC As a primarch. A good blend of serious, humour and kingdom building. - celestial wizard: a HP fanfic where MC (HP) has access to the celestial Grimoire (similar in concept to the celestial forge). It is a multiverse fanfic. It appears to. Not be a harem though I could be wrong and things could develop differently in new chapters. Also it’s not an evil Dumbledore fanfic Any particular fandoms you are looking for?
Do you mean no romance at all? Or just not having romance as the main theme?
What do you mean? do you mean his wives sleep together or they sleep with someone else? Haven’t seen the review so I’m concerned
I ship ghislaine and MC
The French were useless in WW2 what the hell are they going to do now haha. Honestly not to sure what the plan is it seems like this is all caused by a spoilt Veela being a brat but honestly this whole war seems like a good place for Asterion to ‘power level’ as it were and further his plans on making a god.
Mixture of pale greys and gold
Ah good to know. Despite loving the lore I’m not great with the timeline outside the EU haha
Just to make sure this is in the clone wars timeline correct? Also will there be elements of the EU (the good stuff Disney got rid of making it 'non-canon) for example Mandalore the ultimate mask and the Basilisk droids (from old republic era where Mandalore was at its peak)?