is this a repeat chapter?
Great work. I like how the space marine is depicted in this novel. Keep the good work author. 😎👍
is this a double chapter?
Yes he's the youngest, but i think he spent the most time with his father. The other son already have their own things/assignment going on with them. They don't spent that much time with their father anymore.
I don't like the way that everyone is trying to speak like a wannabe pirate. What's wrong with the author and the word "aye". They are speaking to a god dammed Count FFS. At least speak formally. Please tell me that in later chapter that they are using the word "yes" more than "aye".
That is pretty small for a cluster that spans hundreds of worlds.
From my little knowledge of Warhammer 40k, you just need a navigator and warp drive to travel in the warp. Navigator does not count as a psyker. They are a geneticaly engineered human (they literally have a 3rd eye to navigate the warp). They can see in the warp, but they cannot manipulate the warp.
That is 2-3 times a doctor's annual salary. They get that much money just for "doing" the test.
Just search "Marvel Insight Projenct"