i hope to see this "intruiging" "Novel" stay's afloat whilst the sea's rage with terror as tis era has forcome to us all , hopefully you won't fall off . PS: if you need help like getting idea's or whatnot try your best and make a basic structure and the laws of your "wrealm" for a few moments taking notes here and now , might help you when you ask for outside help .
i really hope the chapters get long
understandable, just make the chapters longer and upload only when you think the chapter is sufficiently long and is also good
i recommend you to flesh out and generalize the story of it (im a slow reader ok so im at chap3) if u have disc mined is Someone#4407
bullet proof glass isnt thick bro
so im in chapter 13 currently and basically the damn rv is allegidly larger or wider than what a rv is small while lets add some more chaos now, THE CREATER MADE THEM ALL GENDER FLUID BASICALLY the story is nearly or constantly derailed and he has crap ton of problems like the DAMN GRAMMER is dead, STOP USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE ALL THE TIME ITS GOOD AT TRANSLATION AND NOT THE GRAMMER OF FULL SENTENCES stop and get some help auther you seriously need some help you also might wanna use fiver for the translation and help, aswell as skillshare wich may help you in translation long term now fiver is cheap sometimes its all usally below 1000 or 100 skillshare is basically a learning place but there is a subscription etc its basically not free to use.
is this the dinensional space or how messed up and all over the place your writing is?
no offense but you need someone to help you also pls improve your novel its still kinda good