Memes, comedy, and op powers are this ones cup of tea. so gimme your meeeemes!
Kind of like the presence in dc or the specter
I thought there were entities that don’t allow this level of multiversal bullshitery unless it’s scheduled and necessary even in the invincible universe
Superboy prime is in fact terrifying so not unfounded
Loving the story so far can’t wait to see how it may unravel I’m certainly hoping for the Fnaf aspects to be expanded upon more perhaps by the mc bringing the locations and businesses animatronics into existence and expanding his abilities via bringing said animatronics about maybe even the games but done better than our world did them
Money can still get him access to things in life he just won’t hoard an ocean of gold just to have it, maybe he’ll donate to charities and non profit groups that he investigates and finds are clean. Use the rest for ‘projects’
Something to get rich with
She doesn’t have the context guess you’ll have to make the context Fnaf game series done better perhaps with a side of real life locations
A pizza chain that can compete with starks company would be a sufficient slap to the man’s ego just saying. O and you should take some inspiration from like Battingtons series and fan made stuff where the pizza chain has websites and games. big pizza plex level locations Afton robotics the whole nine yards