I think for a Yuri this is great rated M read like other stories I've read. I think that it would be really cool if it was made into an Anime ......but that my opinion of how interesting it is to me
It's a very interesting piece similar to its Vampire counterpart but has quite a few differences between them which makes me think how I thought the first book was a revers of Twilight where Bella the Vapire and Ed is Human x Supernatural with out Dean and Sam . P.S.sorry if you read this and think I'm just ranting.
It looks like he worse then her he even more possessive and also slightly abusive while reminding her who turned her
very interesting
the stroy is starting to get more sweet
I wish that I work at a company like that. The interview seems awesome. He's so lucky to become employed by such an attractive woman
I love the unique rated M version of TWILIGHT, but the M.CS rolls are reversed meets SUPERNATURAL without either the M.CS or other Hunters and their NonHuman companies that the feeling it gives off but that's just me . So if you've ever wondered what a TWILIGHT SUPERNATURAL cross-over would be like, I recommend this book for you.
I like this book it makes me think of a very altered version of H.P. Except for the whole suide and being Reincarnated twice . That aside, I'm a sucker for an interesting M.C. reincarnated story that has magic , vampires, and M.C. being weak then become stronger, slowly as well other supernatural stuff in it .... But that's just me give it a look or get hooked on reading it , and give your own reveiw about it