


Like to read and write fantasy

2020-06-13 加入Global






  • Arlemit
    Arlemit22 days ago
    回復 Evadz

    Hi, the chapter describes this in detail, it sounds like you are confused, I'll help you figure it out. Firstborn is the first child in the family as we know, but for nobles it is more of a title than a line of birth. So the first children that are sent to Dead Lands are the actual firstborns, that is just the first children in a new generation of a family. If one of them kills a monster like Baren did, he becomes a True Firsborn, because he is actually one of the first children born at about the same time. More often than not none of the firstborns, i.e. the actual firstborns couldn't do it since everyone dies. In that case, the family gives up on the idea of getting a True Firstborn and make children like normal families. The first a Light Noble received the status of a fistborn, even though it could be the second or third child since Hallow Nobles were not involved. For example: The Great Family gave birth to ten children and sent them to the Dead Lands, they all died and none became a True Firstborn, then they had their first child, second and third within three years. And only the third one had the Spark, which means only he became a 'firstborn' since he was a Light Noble, meaning he was a Phantom and only Phantoms had a chance to become the head of the family in the future. I hope I have helped you!

  • Arlemit
    Arlemit2 months ago
    回復 Argumus

    Well, it's not 100% yes. If we take 25%, the odds of the 4th child being a Phantom is 68.36%. If we take 30%, the odds for the 4th child are 75.99%. I mean, that's still quite high and if the family has more children from other husbands or wives, the odds are closer to 100%.

  • Arlemit
    Arlemit2 months ago
    回復 Musicofthebridge


  • Arlemit
    Arlemit2 months ago
    回復 Quanicsection

    Thanks! I'm glad this story has reached 500 chapters and I can keep writing thanks to you guys!

  • Arlemit
    Arlemit2 months ago
    回復 Damien_Genore

    Oh, there was some kind of error, weird.... Usually webnovel won't let you publish a chapter even if one or two paragraphs are the same. I'll fix it now, 491 chapters are done. Sorry for that.

  • Arlemit
    Arlemit3 months ago
    回復 Krisnan


  • Arlemit
    Arlemit3 months ago
    回復 Evadz

    I don't know if you've read the next chapter already, there's quite a lot of information in there, but this comment is very good. Exoskeletons and FNs don't affect genes just because they are there, but because they are activated. That's why the monsters genes are only tainted and not destroyed, which would happen if Gladius started fighting because of his immense power. He's just watching so he has no effect. The same goes for monsters, Shiny is a monster, but his genes have no effect on what's going on because he's a spectator. Thus, if the Shadow, Sano, and Natta were just standing in the corner, there would be no effect. As for Adam's situation, the man who came to his aid had fought, but he didn't use any abilities, just normal attacks, and in fact even if he did, it wouldn't affect anything because before he died he absorbed the genes of the monsters he killed, so the genes of the monsters were gone and his genes had calmed down. It works this way because the Weaver came after all this happened. If the man would have stepped in when Adam and the Weaver were fighting, Adam wouldn't become the Phantom at all, since his genes would be tainted and Adam doesn't have the Spark. I know it's complicated and wordy, but I wanted to give a clear answer and when you get to the end of this arc where Glara's specialty is revealed, you'll understand why I did it. I hope my answer helped!

  • Arlemit
    Arlemit4 months ago
    回復 asura_akari

    no harem

  • Arlemit
    Arlemit4 months ago
    回復 Krisnan


  • Arlemit
    Arlemit4 months ago
    回復 MultiEye

    Yes, this arc turned out much longer than I thought it would, even though Midnight Crystal itself only appeared 20 chapters ago. In the process, several arcs merged into one and another one appeared within it. There were a lot of other things going on besides Midnight Crystal. They all just ended up under one arch. I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was a long one.