tftc cant wait to see were this goes
if you read my comments i said that roberts love for lyanna MIGHT make him over look it for a child she has and can raise as his own
dont get me wrong i know its from a future ezio but im sayin why would some one who should basically hate nobles jus go along with a noble as well as help them run an inn nd everything else so soon after meeting them
thats a lie isnt cause he has the option to choose who the dragons he has bonds with i mean it even cost extra
also my guy show case the connection there is literally no reason to call him that yet sprinkle it through the chapters shit make him a warg something dont jus push it out there and hope the readers ignore it
I feel like this is moving quick asl i dont think ezio would just trust a randonbKID especially a noble after what happened to his family
woke up seen this had an update = happy no chapter= disappointed