My friend the blade is the metal part in a glaive so we are still talking about the glaive here.
You know about misdirection, a village with a keep will have less spies so know one will know where he came from, so less chance people like Varys will connect him to Sirius.
No my man read the book or at least the wiki Brandon was Lord after Torrhen but he was not his son. Below is an excerpt from the asoiaf wiki Torrhen's sons did not agree with the Targaryen rule. Some of them spoke of rebelling, and raising the Stark banner.[2] Whether Torrhen gave his consent or not is unknown. No rebellions by House Stark are known thus far.
Dear these are literally the words in the Ma'at, these are the only part that I did not change so yeah it was frowned upon and it is just in the text it has nothing to do with my opinion.
Daenerys will always have the claim not him, it always happened when the King is latching on his Queen's claim for the throne, people consider him just a consort so they wait till he has an heir they kill the King and make that heir the new King as he has the royal blood through his mother. It happens millions of time in history. In Westeros you can only have claim through birthright or conquest so he does have to conquer the Kingdoms.
NEVAAAAAR! Don't worry I just had a couple of presentations and exams that got me busy the last couple of days. A new chapter is coming today. Just bear with me this week and starting June 1st I will be totally free so chapters will keep rolling.
Okay, first of all, you can not compare the style of writing in an original novel to fanfic, cuz in fanfic I can depend on the fact that most of the world-building is already done through the original book/show. I only focus on developing my character and his Kingdom. He did not rebuild any city, he just renamed it and barely added a few statues instead of Harpy's and renovated the existing walls or so. I also explained clearly why he is going North, what are his plans, motives, and so on. I added dialogue to keep the story flowing and fun as others said it was a bit dry in early chapters. When I went too much into details in the first few chapters everyone commented they need to see more dialogue and fewer details, so I amended my writing style and most seem satisfied with the style now. I honestly don't think it is fair that you summarize almost 30K with two sentences, but hey that is your opinion and it is fine. I do not have the arrogance to believe no one will dislike my story, so that's perfectly fine. Btw, I read at least part of it and dropped it after being tormented by the obvious lack of knowledge or bias when recounting the history of the Ottoman-Byzantine conflict, it also had so many historical errors that I could not bear, but for a non-history reader, I guess it could be fun.
Hey dude how about actually reading instead of skimming, because I wrote a whole paragraph before explaining in DETAIL everything about his Valyrian Steel Glaive Black Reaper.
Thanks, dude, you are a lifesaver.
Dacey Mormont