

2020-04-25 加入Global







New Pure Blood

“Tell me young Arthur, what do you want?” a bearded old man asked the dying boy Arthur looked toward the sky as snow fell on his face, he felt cold and afraid, unaware of what was happening to him as more blood flowed out of his sides “Hurry now young Arthur, I'm afraid neither of us have much time left and I'll be damned if one of us does not survive this, so what is it that you want” Arthur heard those words again but was still having trouble understanding them, he looked around him and saw his mothers car smashed into a tree, along with what he assumes is his mother. He can see a trail of blood leading from the car up to him and was dying the snow red, he can only assume it was his. “Blo….blood” The old man knew that this isn't what the boy truly wanted but he had no choice at this point, he had gotten what the spell can consider verbal request and that's all he needed for his plan to work. He closed his eyes and started to wave his hands in the air. “******************” The old man started to turn into a golden dust which surrounded the dying boy. The boy didn't know what happened, he was in too much pain to think properly, all he could do was focus on breathing as all his organs slowly shut down. As the boy closed his eyes he heard a whisper “Do not fret boy, for if you survive long enough we shall meet again, and maybe you will be the one to…….” The boy had finally bled out before the voice can finish.

BlueWilson · 奇幻
10 Chs