I have a reading addiction, not too sure if that is a good thing or not. Update: it's not.
It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense. It seems like you've copied the last chapter as your word count, that makes sense.
…guys, if we went to a haunted house, y'all would comfort me if I got scared right? Because I know I would comfort you.
Yeah, no. I can totally see haunted house actors tying up a coworker who was sleeping on the job.
Oh, that answers my previous question… assuming he works at an office.
I don't know, man. How can he be so sure that he didn't just get a little freaky with someone last night? Is it because he isn't hungover enough for him to have done shibari?
This fanfic is plagiarized from Mrs.InsaneOne on Fanfiction . Net, originally titled Magic Online. Also for those hungry for more this copy only goes to halfway through chapter 19 of the 46 chapters she has posted, the chapter title is called "Demons". Please if you still hold any interest go read her fanfics there.
Oh, I know! I just added that extra bit as more information because, in a few scenes of the show they have the cops declare deaths for dramatic effect.
Yuck! I would love if we didn't eat Ron. Commas are important.
Not actually allowed btw, Officers cannot declare individuals time of death or official death. They can say that they believe them to be deceased but unless they are obviously dead(brain splattered on the wall, body in pieces, signs of decomposition, etc) they must still request an ambulance and administer first aid(if trained).