I love to read novels; If only I could do this for the rest of my life 😌; LUV Strong MCs; Sucker for Sweet and Cute Romance 😋😋
i wish i had someone who cherished me like this 😆😆😆
flaw?! then i wish i had this flaw 😭 😭
not like u could beat him 🤷♀️
does nobody question that she seems like doraemon with the endless bag
if she has a truck she's also going to need to remember to stock up on a lot of gasoline or somehow produce it from her factory 🤔
more like the lin family inherited from said martial artist
wow she’s very narrow minded, doing all this just to ruin a girl that’s almost a decade younger than her, so petty
she’s not even biologically related, there’s nothing to take from her
yeah you should suck it up, at least they’re not haggling over inheritance and even decided to bring gifts at all
omg stop being such a pessimistic bum!! she's literally helping u and ur trying to complain?! at least shut up when she's busy, especially since she's helped pay for the medicine and is even willing to pay the interest. fl was helping since she thought they had a good relationship but they clearly have been unfriendly, i don't get y she's acting so selfless