Happy 😁
The average panda penis size is 3cm. Just thiught id out that out there
Im aware it was referenced in the first chapter. But i dont think it was focused on nearly enough to justify the amount of worry and focus it kept getting. They act like he was a prideful monster, when id argue he had a very minor ego going.
Author, i think you should watch dudley deleted scene on youtube. Or read the books. Dudley had character growth and had stopped tormenting harry by the 3rd year abouts. I hope you do the same and give him the arc he deserves
Carl gallagher? From shamless? SXD
I skip the arcane and card shit everytime. Doesnt make sense to be in the story and adds nothing.
Love the bucker nomad clan. The best clan, the buckers are. And rachel bartmess, the best hacker rachel bertsmess is, definetly rachel berntoss
Damn its almost like they dont have superhuman regeneration or the anility to heal from injuries much faster than an average person in real life. Why are you acting like we dont know what chakra can do? Naruto is just about the only one with regen, and thats because of the nine tails chakra. I say just about because their are others, but they are either highly skilled in the medical field(tsunade,irochimaru) or have a special ability
None of this makes sense if he uses nature chakra like you said.
I will. And I appreciate your commitment to your character and not taking offense to my criticism/preferences
Come back every few weeks to mass read your stuff. One of, if not the, best on webnovel. Keep it up and keep it coming. Thanks