Me read books
If I’m reading it correctly it’s saying he cast it 3 times
It’s just not worth reading it gets worse and worse as time goes on name changes on all skills ,stats don’t add up , everything convenient for mc and plot holes added in when needed finally dropped it when my turned from idiot one second to rapist after girl called him by his name instead of master out of no where
Honestly quite like where this book is heading always been a fan of Necro stories hope you elaborate more on that part of the story and not to much of just cultivation but time will tell and anyway thats just my preference Good job so far though i don’t normally buy a lot of chapters on smaller works cuz I read a lot a 600page book can be done in half a day but this one is nice 😊 gonna keep following along
Kills her in the next chapter 💀
We’ve been waiting author San let me buy more early chapters 🤣
Dont watch tv*
One of the best parts of the storY sadly only had 300 chapter so far 😭 I read for a lIving dont watch love giving shorter novel try till i run outa chapter started this book This mornin
How are they living in povery his parents have their own place ? He does as well he obviously can afford to splurge on food as he bought 20 dishes at once chapter or so back. Just cuz you have an old aquatience you Keep in touch with and your rich doesnt mean you have to give them money. I dont get why people try to harp on every little thing on this novel yes its not perfect but cmon man be nice 👍
Just going to give 5 stars because I got good laugh out of reading the title wrong i read back pain instead of black Plain and was like i relate😂