Maybe but I actually don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong but Flowey's Determination doesn't come from a monster soul, it comes from DT taken from the human souls during Alphys's experiments.
Tywin was having arguments and disagreements with the Mad King, who used to be his friend. The King was paranoid about him, taking more power so Tywin wanted to get out of the capital and not burned to death for some perceived slight. Tywin's Heir returning to their ancestral hold to help govern his lands served as a good excuse to leave the capital and not have it be perceived as a slight against the king.
Maaaybeee... But can anyone prove it ;)
Thanks for the comment. It's not a complete ban on technological development. It just won't be a huge aspect of this story. Some things might be possible, but I don't even know how to make paper right now, much less after 15 years in another world. The crop stuff might be implemented but only after a while of research by people other than Jaime. He might remember only the vaguest stuff about crop rotation and that's being generous.
One more for today!
I hope to, thanks!
Unfortunately, no, I've tried
It's well written and easy to follow. With stable updates and what looks like a very interesting world to explore. The beginning might be a bit explanation heavy but that's sorta necessary to introduce us to the world. Keep up the good work.
Ah! A wild system appears.
school antagonist spotted?