Do remember tho that Naruto drank bad milk and ended up 💩 his brains out
That is a fantastic question that i didnt consider I just wanted there to be a quirky thing so they wouldnt only have to have blood but you bring up some great ideas I appreciate your comment 👏🏻
Alrighty Im not trying to change her character im making it seem like theres trouble in paradise Just because she’s had sex with him before doesnt mean she’s gotta want to have it again when he’s being a douche and just because shes done it with him once doesnt mean she cant be pressured into doing things she doesnt want to. guys do that to girls like all the time And yes lydia will probably be the love interest but it wont be for a bit. my next chap has jackson and lydia working it out.
Ok?? Im aware but i fail to see how thats relevant
A lOt of fics call it the forbidden forrest but in the first movie he calls it the dark forrest
Its no jedi temple now tho is it
Did not know that idk where i even pulled those stats from honestly