

2019-12-25 加入Global






  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic69693 months ago

    why am I reminded of: "Terenas: What is this? What are you doing, my son? Arthas: Succeeding you, Father..." :P

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic69699 months ago
    回復 supahsanic6969

    perhaps mix need for speed with trackmania? create a MOBA like league, or perhaps make runeterra an expansion to EsW.

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic69699 months ago

    counter strike - he hasn't done any real fps games. I guess you could go deeper into the spec ops games with cs go deeper with the Esports(nationals?) monetization case/skin economy.

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic6969a year ago
    回復 PraiseElune

    if you do that I Hope you succeed - personally I think time travel is kinda wonky to handle because of all the implications. Then there's also how to handle the whole night elf vs high elf hatred - ah soz we kicked out your ancestors cuz they did magic stuff. to add extra spice to the chad elf cucking arthas you could add scrublord kael'thas into the mix - if I remember correctly both arthas and kael'thas were both simping for jaina. ;p

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic6969a year ago
    回復 PraiseElune

    chadlike sylvanas cucks arthas by seducing jaina?

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic6969a year ago
    回復 PraiseElune

    yes but the punishing aspect seems out of proportion. being punished for having thoughts that the part that is bonkers tho. I don't think I'll keep reading this one not my cup of tea, but I've posted my opinion of the story under a review. keep up the good work.

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic6969a year ago

    The story is about a man that is transmigrated into a woman also gaining a system. The poor guy is punished for having "mysoginists thoughts" in regards to women's role in society. It is stated the protagonist never acted upon these thoughts, but discussed them with his friends which annoyed them. The pervert protagonist (somehow finding peeing erotic...) prefer traditional gender roles (can't be bothered to find the right term, but he doesn't hate women for being women) which the Karen system dislike and deem its job to rectify. The author tries to portray a man preferring traditional gender roles becoming a strong independent woman. personally I think the author fails by introducing the Karen system. Instantly giving the protagonist power ups without personal growth. examples of this: captain marvel and she Hulk where the protagonists become almighty cuz magic juice or whatever with little to no growth in the process.The authors other work: Journey began from Azeroth: Head of Windrunner family show this journey from man to strong independent woman perfectly. Because the protagonist actually has to work to become stronger. only receiving the knowledge on how to reach their goal and therefore grow as a person in the process of becoming stronger. Examples of this Kill bill and Star wars the original (Leia) where the protagonists work hard to reach their goal being badasses in the process.the characters are completely unreasonable I mean the first villain describe women as:"Sluts whose only purpose is to breed babies" i don't think even mysoginists describe women that way... I've read until Chapter 49 this is my opinion of the story.

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic6969a year ago

    I like your other work, but this whole "your getting punished for having misogynist thoughts" is kinda bonkers. I mean it's clarified he never acted upon them so whats the problem? also there's big difference between preferring traditional women and misogynism, but in essence the system seem to be a high and mighty Karen... elune save us!

  • supahsanic6969
    supahsanic6969a year ago

    this seems slightly confusing - love the fic - is it a magic wuju pregnancy lireesa x Sena pregnancy i foresee? cuz the whole 2 souls one body seems troublesome to explain without the whole "oh btw I'm not your mother awkward situation + how to get an extra body" keep up the good work[img=recommend]