


I liek Ice cream

2019-12-24 加入Global




  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow3 years ago
    回復 Dotencsure


  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago

    This is a really good novel . The concept is something new so its quite interesting . Also , unlike most novels from trial read , this novel aren't full of cliche so its quite good . The MC is not that OP unlike the SSS grade talent for the other novels as the quest from the mission he got is well... quite hard to be completed . The story is only 60 chapters so its pretty hard to know whether it will be as good in the future but the concept alone and how the plot goes made me believes that it will continue being a good novel .

  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago

    Ehh I like the concept and all but the character building and the plot is definitely lacking . The author didn't describe fully how the person looks thats a flaw for sure . But the plot isn't that good because its moving too fast and the reader can't imagine how the area looks like due to the lack of description . Also the author seems to be quite lazy to keep track of the protagonist level as when I read the protagonist suddenly become lv 30

  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago

    The story is pretty much sh*t to me as the talent that he got is wayyyyy too op , its pretty much a bug honestly . I mean the protagonist can pretty much turn a sh*tty weapon into an op weapon , thats fine for me but the thing I can't accept is the cooldown of the skill . It only have 3 minutes cooldown which ridiculous . Not only he can increase the rank of a weapon but he can increase the rank of a skill and his class too (so far I have only read that he can do both of these but based on the description of the talent he can probably do more than these) .

  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago

    Tf if SSS is this broken Im pretty sure the lower grade cant be that bad . Futhermore a 3 min cooldown ? He can use the fricking skill 480 times a day Plus he can even use it to enhance his class , forget about being broken its pretty much the same 9999999999 damage hacks.

  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago
    回復 Winters_Rain


  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago

    This is a really good novel . The MC personality interest me the most in the novel . Its hard to explain but simply put the guy is a mix of a coward,silly,stupid and naive but he can be the opposite should his ideal personality came out ( Emiya Shirou lololol) . The world building is good so as to say . While the side characters are quite.....hm lets just say complement the MC personality except for some of the antagonist . As for whether the MC is op or not well he pretty much can jump rank and fight against those rank C (the highest grade mc fought so far in all 60 chapters) but only when his Ideal personality start to surface . If not he will be just like any other average joe and a coward silly guy . Apparently his base stat made him an E grade as he is still newbie but well he has SSS-Grade and he even have a weapon that can be considered OP and the reason why he have OP weapon is because of his refusal to look weird and out of place eith his weapon .

  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago
    回復 Adolf
  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago
    回復 Everlasting_Sorrow


  • Everlasting_Sorrow
    Everlasting_Sorrow4 years ago
