Lol! It’s amazing, the galar version that is. 😂
It isnt bad, its pretty good. I personally wouldnt want to start there. In my opinion, gen 1, 3, 5, and 7 are the best.
His mom and dad weren't dedicated trainers, if that. If they were they would be doing that now, they just trained here and there but were mainly a part of the typical worker class.
This is an out in open battle, there are no tricks it can pull. Only in forest or other dark pLaces with cover would it have tHe advatage becuase psyChic pokemon cant sense dark type pokemon.
Contiune to read and enjoy! ;D
Kadabra easily loses to Sneasel in-game, but in a real-life scenario, not so easily. Kadabra is highly intelligent, calculative, can teleport, and it can fly, etc. All it needs is a fighting move or a fairy move to beat down dark types, the only reason it got beaten and fainted at the end was because of the skills of its trainer, Jayce, who still has much to learn. I'd say Roy did really good in that fight against something like that.
My favorite starter. :D
Good. I usually don’t sign to rate anything but this is good. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx