I'm isekai trash.
I noticed that Leah is sneak attacked the most, which is weird as she is the one most likely to survive out of all.
You could add them but with slight difference, like their design, name, weapons and stuff. The look and name are trademarked not supersuit.
Can't he just create a compass to point in their direction, or when they die just resurrect them?
It can, you just need to create an energy drink or something that will restore your body's and minds energy
Why not just enchant the weapons and amour, he just has to will it into reality
He could have created a skill book that whoever used would have whatever skill or knowledge automatically transmitted into their mind without all this hassle.
Well what about a pill that makes him able to select what to remember and forget?
Can't he create a pill that will make him remember everything with 100% accuracy?
For somebody with 999 mind stat, he is pretty dumb outside battle.