Have you ever just wanted to read fanfictions but then you can't find any good fanfictions with high number of existing chapters?
who would dare go against Stark Industries for someone with solid evidence against him that involves a terrorist group? that's political suicide.
that would be more trouble than it's worth. if MC allowed the Kumo ninja to die, Kiri would clamor. while the execution of hiashi is unlikely to happen with MC watching and strongly opposing it, it would be better for less problems if konoha is facing less problems from outside while MC is trying to wrestle power away from Hiruzen. that way, the clans would less likely to unite under Hiruzen and reject the idea of deposing him.
hah. never like any ASOIAF character too much. anything can happen, ANYTHING!!!
tehe nandayou!!!
I'll hear no comment about the 'mistake', for it wasn't one. 'he' is Ygritte's pronoun 🫣
....swinging an anvil? did something in the chapters I skipped? 🤣