like futbol and video games
"they have one in stock" ONE. did they teleport the second one over in the time it took them to get to the store?
'had some discomfort' searching for the keys? what happened, the salesperson stepped on a Lego on the way? that's more interesting than listening to random people talk down to the mc.
but not always moral education. they are too busy making them "smart" that they forget to make them have the basic moral values of a human.
wasn't she blocked?
and he got a green hat as the lady from study abroad comes back with her husband.
seems like there is a problem with the funds
I feel that it would have been smarter to not say anything about overloading the truck. if you broke a law/regulation and it resulted in multiple deaths.... it's not going to be something as simple as paying less money than normal. you are looking at some form of criminal charges, which maybe the author is trying to say they only had to pay that since they were going to jail/prison. still feel that the number needing to be paid would be higher but they probably only pursued the driver instead of all parties as they should have.
weird how the last one isn't separated. thus by having intercourse with a giant, you produce offspring with an elf. wonder how that works?