Just a guy who likes readin'.
"Can we not argue?" Literally your first response is "Are you always this stupid?" lol Nice backpedaling there my guy
That's a them problem. Since when do we blame the author for the fact that most readers on this app read at a 5th grade level even though they're in their early twenties at the youngest lol
People like you are the reason nobody will ever respect feminism again.
These paragraph comments are down syndrome central lol "How could you do this? a little girl would never say that!" Conveniently ignoring that pretty every girl ever born has an embarrassing "I'll marry Daddy/Elvis/Winnie the Pooh/insert whatever thing girls are into at the time" here. Even guys have this? Have any of the people on this site ever left their mother's attic and interacted with another human being?
The amount of people complaining that the story is bad and too hard to understand because they're literally too dumb to understand the English language is astounding to me...
That's sounds more like a you lacking reading comprehension problem?
No? I'm pretty sure this is entirely grammatically correct. since when is two commas too much? Education has really gone downhill...
This implementation of a crossover of your works is not great, not gonna lie. Imagine if some random fucking guy showed up at the end of the first Avengers and said "Hey, I'm Skadi and I'm here to help you defeat Loki!" Nobody would ever watch another Marvel movie again lol The worst part though is that people have to pay money for this...
Stop using this transition every time you switch to a different character. Like, I enjoy this story well enough obviously, but this is honestly stuff they teach you in middle school creative writing.
She's literally her boss lol