You with your peanut sized brain, trying to cover for your inadequate texting skills by pinning the fault on my inability to parse through a poorly constructed, laughably out of context text. Why? I'd almost find it adorable if you weren't a petulant manchild who should know better. As it stands, however, the most I feel for your banal attempt at pedestrian mockery is a faint sort of amusement, like one would experience upon seeing a monkey trying to imitate man and in doing so, grasping for a station it may never achieve. Hop along now, little monkey. You never were conceived with civil discourse or intellectual pursuits in mind, and it is for that reason, I do not blame you for being the way you are. It is merely your nature to make a fool out of yourself.
Another year approaches its conclsusion, the curtain draws near. Still no hide or hair of our dear author. With every iota of tenderness I can manage, I hope they're safe and sound. If not... I hope they find themself in a better place than this accursed world.
Did you, perhaps for an infinitesimal instance, a nanosecond, stop and think to yourself, 'Hmm, did whatever I type even make a smidgen of sense or not?," before you replied to the other person? Because, let me be the one to enlighten you, your reply makes absolutely zero sense. I think you might need to attend grade school again. Kindly improve your communicative prowess before engaging in any manner of online discourse, it would save you a world of trouble and shame.
The novel seems pretty interesting, and, I can comfortably say that this novel has the potential to find a snug position in the upper echelon of WebNovel. Definitely a treat by WebNovel standards.
I was so confused for a second lol, made me redownload the app
I was curious?
Tbh, while all of her concerns are fair the way she's putting them makes her sound like a self-centered person as well.
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