I've read a lot more than that. Don't look at the number. I've read more than even people at lvl 5. Stupid site halting my progress.
Why is this novel not tagged "System?"
FINALLY an explanation of where his seemingly infinite spirit energy is coming from. I mean I know at this point most people are assuming potions but seriously Author you have to at least mention that he's drinking potions during a fight. Please don't turn this story into "Infinite Mana in the Apocalyptic World."
I was about to say the same thing... That this feel just a little Itty bitty familiar... Mysterious Purple Crystal Cube anyone?
that dog laughing Pic is now one of my all-time favorites
A's and B's LOL
No, you are.
I'm sorry but I would rather choose zombie Apocalypse. At least then I would have a less terrifying end.
I came here and reviewed just to say this; First!