I’m not sorry, you’re welcome. Everything was written at 3 AM.
I can understand why doing this is so disliked. It’s the equivalent of a transmigrated person telling their ’family’ that they aren’t actually their son or like a reincarnated person with their memories telling their family they were a 30 year old man mentally while they breastfed. Or even when an mc tells everyone “you’re not even supposed to be real, you’re just fictional characters” The issue isn’t the point of the coming out, it’s ALWAYS the execution of it. It’s always so rushed and so awkard. Its like authors just forget they can pace things and go straight to spilling out the mcs entire life story in one go. It gives second hand embarrassment, like seeing someone wave and then waving back thinking it was for you but was in fact for someone behind you. I’d like to reiterate the main point just in case: the problem is ALWAYS the execution. Not why the mc does it but *how* they go about doing it. Pacing exists. Pacing pacing pacing. Gotta say good things three times. A second point I’d like to make, but this is just my biased take; authors don’t *need* to make a reveal, and idk why they feel the need to force it. Make it into some big plot point, a big character reveal. They *can* do it if they choose so but I’d prefer it if they didn’t just shove it into the readers and the poor characters of whatever fictional verse the mcs in faces. I mention this simply because it’s related to the subject at hand.
Bro it is never a good idea to skip omniversal level instructions lmaoo
Ah! So he just wanted to help any random person within the commotion he heard, not specifically intervene with the plot (as of yet) I might have read one too many fanfics to be jumping to assumptions like this bruh
There’s a higher chance of the girl surviving this than mc doing a push up voluntarily lmao
This is officially a crack fic.
??? That’s fucking stupid
Dude is kinda a psycho isn’t he? He wants to commit crimes at the smallest of offenses lmao
Lol he doesn’t even deny it anymore
Bruh I think this goes past being mischievous