perpetually sleep deprived
Complicated or Abstruse(obscure)
it's ok, and while the journey was short I've enjoyed this story the entire way. even if you decide to drop it that's fine I'll support you from the sidelines in whatever you decide to do. sincerely, your avid reader
I just wanted you to know that you have a typo I think. it should be way instead of wat right?
A few words back he does tell you he gains something from this. and that would be connections, as doing this for her can get her a permanent position which will in turn get him a permanent business partner, even if he is still on the losing side sometimes you have to lose something to gain connections. After all he's only losing money he can make later and a little time and effort.
also he better have good directional skills with that name of his if not that would be ironic.
no if you think about it the name is genius because he'll always show you the way.
I think it just amplifies the emotion that is currently the strongest. Those kids for examples fear was amplified.
go read something else then no one's forcing you 😁
I second that