Did you hear the one about the propane tank in the hay loft? It was a real... ...barnburner.
Love it!!!! Ca n’t g et eno ugh of thi s lady ’s work
Once upon a time, there was an absolute bombshell of an author named Mcllorycat. Her superpowered brain came up with an idea for a modern-day fairytale retelling - a good one like Fables, not an overbloated mess like ABC’s Once Upon a Time that made their chosen-one protagonist into a villain in a cheap scramble for a ratings boost. It was so good that it won 1st place in the big Webnovel competition & she got to travel to Singapore to celebrate her victory & tell the other Top 25 authors to suck it. And she lived happily ever after.
Only a few chapters in, but I'm loving the blossoming romance in this one. Definitely getting a Civy (Carson & Ivy) vibe like Sound of Silence. (Unrelated, but if you liked Sound of Silence you should totes check out the sequel, I'm Not a Hero!). Also, leaving a review is SO much easier on my laptop compared to my phone. Does anyone else struggle with the autofill that puts a space immediately before the final letter of each word? I t look s lik e thi s i f yo u don' t d o you r ow n proofreadin g beforehan d. Seriously, someone call Terminix because the app has bugs all over the place. Anyway, back to reading this gem.
Glad this underrated gem is getting another shot at a meteoric, contractual rise. It flew under the radar for months, but now it’s going to show up on everyone’s radar like a Russian surveillance drone, minus the desire to invade Ukraine.
Love is what Baby don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me No more Love is what Baby don’t hurt me Don’t hurt me No more Dun dun dun dun Dun dun dun dun dun Dun dun dun dun dun Dun dun
What’s up with the face? Half redhead half blondie? The first of what is sure to be many mysteries. Mcllorycat’s mind is like Patrick’s in The Secret Box episode, only her inner machinations really are an enigma, not just spilled milk.
Let ’s do t he tim e warp aga in! Alw ays love a tall tale ‘bout dat wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff. Will the kids go all Marty McFly & build a flux capacitor in a Delorean? Can ’t wa it t o fin d out!!!
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
Really happy with the superhero/supervillain theme my favorite author has had recently. Maybe she’ll give us a Spiderman fanfic where Tobey & Andrew become Tom’s adopted parents, b/c that would be sick.