it will be op
so MILF???
goody Good man 👍🏼👍🏼... good to know rin is safe.... yes, she is med-ninja basically no fighting power.. or in ninja world, useless... . if you think a world where, kid were sent to killed or kill.. med-ninja are like saints
so...... what happened inside RV? Give us information
keep it up young lady... and I will share my.... ahem my friend ass to you 👍🏼
sorry, i didn't comment on past chapter.... I was so... in the book;!!
son, you are doing the same..... " yellow monkey" seriously!!!!?? alright, man can be yellow monkeys.. no how about ugly bastard?? but women, no man they can only be beautiful creature!!🤤🤤🤤
now it's "Art is Explosion 💥💥💥"