My apologies, i seem to have ran out of 'Fucks' to give.
Same-day delivery by Amazon? now i KNOW it's a different world. lol
isn't Darklight just her character's name?
I guess she didn't have marvel comics and movies in her world, otherwise she'd have picked up on a lot of things already.
Who said she was hiring though?
Make your character a Jawa
With the way her system space works, she could technically live out of her office's broom closet.
Keep the NSFW stuff, but add a system-governed parental control. making it so anyone underage was locked out of that content.
absolute worst state in the US to start a business. Texas is a good option though, Florida might be better.
I don't really get this insistence of all female characters being queer... For some reason, this site doesn't like straight women.
Gaming together can either bring a family closer or tear them apart. My family used to play together, but we very quickly realized we didn't actually like each other. My brother is an elitist who thinks he's god's gift to gaming and is really stuck-up about it. My Mom who is a retired detective and the smartest person I knew... crumbled before my eyes and became a total moron who even after 10 years of gaming still has trouble with WSAD movement.