I watch a lot of anime, but this has gotten me interested in reading again.
I’m pretty sure earlier it said there is a stat cap not counting stats from special consumable items that give stats like this, but I could be misremembering
Just writing a review for the free FP.
Didn’t he have an achievement goal for surviving 100 or 1000 disasters or something to get another biometric attribute? Or did he already unlock that one?
Just reviewing for fast pass event.
Love this book. The ideas and execution are great. The MC is overpowered but all of his abilities still technically follow the rules. Can’t wait for Izroth to get his domain or establish his own guild and suppress the guilds that are targeting him. Wish this book updated a little more often, and there are slightly more grammar and spelling mistakes than before in the later chapters.
If you’re talking about the pancake, Chinese pancakes are different from American pancakes and I think they are kind of meant to be eaten with savory food. So it probably tastes fine.
This should be higher. It just said he had 57 vitality a few chapters ago. It was stated that for each refinement he gets +10 vitality. That and the other two techniques just broke through which should have made it go up 1 or 2 more points, so he should have like 68-70 vitality now.
I think Kunt’s territory had a green bronze token
The spearman and cavalry that he had summoned before were from the emperor ring skill that summons sand soldiers, I think. Or from the actual sand summon skill he got from Sandmen loot.