You don't need to know
I wouldn't recommend ever referring to the mc as "Protagonist" the objective of a history is to immerse someone in it, remind people that yes this is in fact a fictional character ruins that pretty well
Nice... numbers i guess?
Damn really making me feel bad for them right now, the Mc IS a monster and i think you are reminding us of that fact perfectly right now
meh i know this is a Chinese one but there's really nothing besides chinese culture in here that nobody will understand
Damn good translation so good in fact I'll risk reading the raw version
Nah far too boring unless you do an assassin related chapter
Nah a level up probably multiplies your strength from or beyond 2 times higher levels should increase that multiplier him going beyond 999 makes it impossible for anyone on the same level to ever have a chance against him without having op skills
Bro is finally realizing his true power is going to come from min maxing and synergizing
Not even slightly close, Reinhart even without his blessings is still the strongest in Re:Zero that already happened on the light novel and guess what? that mother fucker still won while being jumped