aobsessed with reading
am I the only one still hoping for a Jake/Kaylee combo? 🥲
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
just don't stop mistakes happen when writing it's all good and be fixed in the future your skills are pretty good anyway 🙏🏻
Awesome chapter coach every update brings a brighter shine to my day ✨ be safe! 🙏🏻
well I can't say I'm not disappointed with no romance but I still love the story I hope to see a little bit more at least but I can't wait for more.
J x K boiiiiiis I'm re-reading the whole thing waiting for updates 🙏🏻 I hope your okay coach can't wait for more Jack
interesting! I hope this isn't a one and done I'd like to see some more romance sprinkled around with extra sprinkles considering we didn't see a lot of build for the couple I'd like to see some lovely doveyness 🙏🏻 please thank you for the update! love the story
my god sir this was more than scratching an itch! my man this was like God himself gave me a massage not only was it well thought out but LONG 86 pages, what a beauty I can't wait for more maybe some romance? I won't push it but I'm very! excited to see more 👍🏻
lovely! my addiction has been filled-ish I'm always ready for more 🙏🏻 awesome chapter can't wait to see more
ahhhhh I love the faster updating bro keep it up if ya can but don't push yourself too hard but that cliffhanger bro my blood was pumping! can't wait for the next 🙏🏻