Damn... anywayyyy
I... kinda hate people like you, ngl :')
That was only a way to describe the sheer amount of luck that one thing gave him. (Un)Fortunately, he has the same (questionable) amount of intelligence he had on Earth.
Letting go is always the hardest part ;-;
These aren't permanent, they stay only for this one world.
If you want to know how smart Reed Richards or Lex Luthor are, it would be very. Reverse Engineering alien tech after a few hours or days at the latest or building high-tech devices (like interdimensional travel and gadgets that interfere with dimensions in Reed's case or advanced feats of bioengineering in Lex's case) level of smart-ness. So his luck increased quite a lot.
I read people comment on that stadium scene as well, must be pretty amazing. And there's still talks about chronicle floating around, you never know what's coming~ Just hope they don't give us a new movie and mess it up like they love doing so much lately
Can't say for sure, didn't get too deep into it. I might tho and soon. I'll tell you if it's any good.
That image will never cease to damage my sanity...
Did you know there's a script written? It's called Chronicle 2: Martyr. I haven't read it all yet, but it shows Matt going around the world saving people and it introduces some new characters too. Don't know how good that is, but look it up if you're interested!