Ain't much to tell, but I do have a p a treon if that's what you're looking for. Here it is: p a treon . com / Regularrr
well yeah. look at the transformation and tell me you wouldn't orefer that over worms😅
probably unpopular opinion, but I think GX is better than Duel Monsters
I'm not afraid to admit I did that to mine on several ocassions.
I dont know either. I copied them up and they looked fine on my phone😅
The easiest way is to reduce humanity's civilization to primitive era, but I wont go that route. I'm setting things up for a system like Date A Live DEM
The story spans from Leo's rise, his rule to his subsequent abdication.
No interlude needed. The children will be in the main story.
honestly? I'm half tempted to do it for the meme, but it is Baeber who will get summoned.