I immediately thought of Roanoke the lost settlement
how about "dark web" to make it really hard to look up info on and as a reference to both spiders and being a shadow organization
my mind immediately said that the domain would allow usage within it without touching and degrade usable material without weakening it to allow manipulating more resilient materials as these 2 combined would allow making many things at once and make hell's forge more usable in battle
each time I read the elemental nations in the previous chapter I always think "why are we getting updated on avatar?" then I get to this page and realise it meant the Naruto elemental nations and not the last Airbender ones
metropolitan, city, or as a chuckle inducing joke neighborhood level are good choices. I would probably just say city planner level and make it go to the lowest of the level after city as a nod to extra growth potential as a 0.05% chance draw as legendaries
just monica
Ghost Thread if you wanted to both change it (i dont think you do) and keep 'ghost' in the name. the thread is both a nod to 'the thread of fate' and obviously silk and spider silk
😂😂 while everyone is immediately recognizing a DBZ character I immediately think of nyarlathotep and their cat form in Cthulhu mythos 😂😂
terminal cancer in multiple organs and untreatable pain due to it is a situation that I would say that you could help as all that they could do at that point is lay on a hospital bed in ever increasing pain while unable to do anything else so it is literally only preventing days/weeks/months of suffering where they can't even walk
danmachi is a good choice for leveling characters from chunin to kage+ power levels so even if she is too strong (ie. a goddess) she can still use the world to power up her wives/allies. marvel is a good place for strong characters to find strong opponents as it has conceptual beings that govern the existence of the powers gods wield. star wars is a good place for skill refinement and ally recruitment (also alien waifus if you want) and technology/weapon gathering. also the fate multiverse is basically a waifu goldmine that just so happens to have world and galaxy destroying entities that you can use as arc finishers quite cleanly if you wanted. basically I wouldn't mind seeing any of these in this fic but I'll just wait and see what comes later.