something about me
The story is fun and an interesting read overall. However, the translation quality is garbage. Don’t know how WW expects anyone to pay for this crap. Just enforces my growing hatred for WW.
To be fair it was her impersonating him and she only had affairs with women. It's definitely still cheating but honestly it doesn't really annoy me that much. Also the only hit on his reputation is that everyone now thinks he's unfaithful (which he kinda is) and he likes strong women and the head elder (who was the top beauty in her generation). Not saying your post is wrong just want to clarify the contexts.
I love this type of story! I completely understand why people won't like this but I'm a big fan of the pretend unfathomable master stories. Really hope this gets picked.
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
I really enjoy this story because while their are some cliches it is done in a entertaining way. Also I can tell the translator put a lot of effort into the translation which is something I always appreciate. I just hope WN will pick this series up.
Both are good but if you want the best original novel then the Mother of Learning is hands down the best. I can't find one that comes close.
Just writing this review because I love this type of novel and hope the translator will keep keep translating it. Thank you! I can't wait for more chapters!