Lazy person who love to read random things
That is the last of your problem when you are with them 😂
To read it until the end was a really enjoyable experience. Yangyang life from her transmigration to her experience back in time were interesting. The plot was well thought with different links between characters. I wouldn’t say it was a surprise but it well structured to keep you hook and ask for more. Let’s not forget about the character interaction, smooth and fun with the right amont of drama without being annoying. I do recommend this story if you looking for a smooth ride with just enough trouble ! Thank you author and translator
Haha they are so bad, the target won’t see it coming 😂 And sorry I am bad with names.
Always 😂 For Yangyang attention it is always a competition
I really live it when Xia Yue shaws her skill as lazy as she is she isn’t incompetent far from it haha
Mama bear is clear mind ! Good teach those boys a life lesson 😂
Your are the one who lack honesty !
Your are also missing a brain ! She transform a complete honest confession of what Weinan feel to it’s all Tiantian’s fault ? That’s just disregarding his feeling
Thick skin Tiantian 😂