Does it only count hours read when using the app? No even so, I've spent way more time using the app. Well, at least now it doesn't show how addicted I am haha...
ok Paul Atreides i hear ya
its not tears i just happened to be cutting onions while reading
oh no theyre becoming self aware
as a European it hurts seeing the euro being described as the currency of Europe...😪
bro just chose violence for no reason lmao
im crying whats even going on😂
lmao this is like the 4th novel ive read where the kingdom/world they live in is called Arcadia
stephen the tsundere hiding he actually cared a lot abt adam haha
honestly my favourite ship in this story
hi im just asking you since you've read a lot... could you maybe tell me if the MC is evil? or like more evil than good at least? Not in the cold edgelord way necessarily but like evil/morally grey actions?