I’ll admit its kinda odd that her flaw is what is it is. Sunny’s flaw was deaigned to inhibit something he already did and was good at, rain’s flaw is something she isnt good at already. If her flaw was anything it should be, thou can only kill.
What a chad lol
Is he going to force himself on Asha in front kf Theon? lol
The only part that bothers me about this fic is the fact you’re reusing mangekyo’s, why? Google has an endless amount of mangekyo designs.
Good chapter as always
When he gets the eternal mangekyo, please give him a unique pattern.
Oromis and Glaedr are the most easygoing people in the entire series. Islanzadi and the new generation elves near worship the dragons. So unless he doesnt remember, its odd for him to avoid them despite the fact a wild born dragon hasnt been born in a half century.
This is story is good and has a ton of potential. Im glad you’re going to fix the lore. One thing im worried about (less so now) is how he just sat in a cave for 20 years and stared at Eragon. I think anyone in this situation wouldve lived their life, explored the world a bit. Its odd how he’s basically just hero worshipping Eragon. He’s a dragon, a force of nature, he was too scared to visit Glaedr despite knowing the lore and that they would help him.
Thanks. Really good long chapter.
I understand not wanting to show off his magic, but why purposefully underperform?