

2019-02-01 加入Global






  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis24 days ago

    Very jarring to read. Swaps he’s and she’s pronoun every other sentence it feels like. Throws your mind for a loop and makes it very hard to immerse yourself in the story as you can picture it well with the constant changing. I didn’t get very far so I may be wrong on this front. But it seems like the mc is gonna just follow Tang San. Something I find a bit boring, would be nice for he/she to have some independence

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis8 months ago
    回復 Poisoncheaker

    It gets to a point it doesn’t make sense. There is this thing called heart of the realm and if it gets absorbed the realm is destroyed. Mc won’t take it away and protect it cause he is afraid of his peaceful life being ruined…. But then if it is absorbed his peaceful life will be over cause the realm he is in is destroyed. He always says he has no strength but then as soon as his disciples need help he instantly kills the enemy. Its like he suddenly becomes self aware then instantly forgets it after. Picking and choosing

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis8 months ago

    Honestly thou, what is the point of the mc as this point? Just make the girl the mc. Mc is pathetic compared to her

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis8 months ago

    Forgot about the heart thing with that random dude, what missing memories 😂

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis10 months ago
    回復 SimpleReaderPassin

    Def, with Aomine he hasn’t changed at all just got more stamina. Even thou he started training again where as in the show he hadn’t trained a lot since what the second year of middleschool? Where as Kagami and the rest train for a bit and are suddenly beasts. Would have been cool for aomine to unlock somthing new with him having trained again. Tbf didn’t think they where gonna win anyways cause mc hasn’t faced serin yet

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis10 months ago
    回復 Desertstorm

    You do realize that any of the gom solo teams by themself. Doesn’t matter how senior the team mate are. The whole point of the anime was that they got so bored playing basketball cause they destroyed teams with ease. They lost the joy of playing the game and wanted to see who was the best out of all of them. The mc being able to beat one of them means he can solo teams. Him entering the zone enabled him to beat the whole of the gom. Which is poor from the author tbh cause it made no sense I think your forgetting he has mid on his team as well. This makes it so that they should easily win.. but the author suddenly decided nah let’s make him lose to some nobody’s ignoring the accomplishments shown throughout the stroy so far. It’s jarring af and is annoying to read

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis10 months ago

    So the story seemed to have a lot of promise and I’m ngl only got to chapter 7 so take this with a pinch of salt. What has turned me off and made me stop reading this book is the following. The mc is genius not seen since aincent times. He is spending ages on his cultivation elevating it all to the max at each level. By creating scriptures etc and giving these seeds out that upgrades spirit roots. Like cool stuff, plus love that he has wood root. Seems like a good direction. But… this random arse girl from the central continent is leaching off of the mc via enlightenment taking his ideas and strength and spreading it around making her already powerful sect even stronger. No ryme no reason. Essentialy the mc has lost what makes him unique and all his secrets and power is being used for some random characters benifit and of course this character is a world destroying beauty…. Complete turn off for me. Gl to the author but not for me

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilis10 months ago

    Why is he keep trying to use the card and not save up for a better quality one ?

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilisa year ago
    回復 AKD_Khmer

    Doesn’t matter much now haha but I would say personaly. Age wise you made it very hard on yourself As you made him out to be aincent like first soul in existence vibe it’s hard to find a suitable pairing. The closest one I saw that felt alright was that matriarch he knew. He is so respected it’s trying to find someone with that same reputation sort of. Hope this makes sense haha Currently I would say change love interest or don’t have one if you want to salvage it. Romance is very hard to write and it came make or break a great story

  • Aeternabilis
    Aeternabilisa year ago

    Smash this year out and I hope you crush your exams. This story was very promising and a good first start. You have listened to advise and recognize improvements to your writing you can learn from. At the end of the day this is all that matters and you will write bigger and better stories in the future because of this mindset.