

2019-09-17 加入Global




  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago

    I think shadow mnipulation is better at least from the description of the skills, because shadow skill not mentioning the ones someone else mentioned it gives you ability to travel to shadow realm( i have read where vampires have this ability in one novel it was cool) . The blood Control would be better if you can use it the same way like in noblesse and the concept of making weapons is okay i just Hope they will not dissapear after being strenghtened by a lot of blood. Atmokinesis is the worst one because i dont feel the need of this ability and like with storm in X-Men it doesnt feel powerful and also it cannot be used in space or some realms.

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago
    回復 Raizel24155

    sorry that it is all clumped up but i used shift+enter to make distance beetween things but well i guess it got deleted.

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago

    I will be honest, at first it was interesting, and as it still interest me (chapter 16) and are waiting for updates some thing are for me incomprehensible. First when in chapter 13 after employing dr Bright and we time skipped several months idk how many lets say 3-5, idk why he still need to go on missions to capture SCP himself, while his points might not be abundant but i think that with daily missions (100 points in chapter 10 for daily mission [ i dont know how points he will get i will go with 100 because thats the only thing i know]) and with dr Bright employment(1000 points per week in chapter 13) it would be sufficient to create a small team. I may be wrong as i dont know how much points is for monthly upkeep of base. Flaws: - i dont see why after time skip (chapter 13) he still dont have a force to capture scp and need to do it himself - is it so easy to track O5?(even when not fully developed) before time skip he upgraded his hacker ability once, i think that after that at least he would upgrade it once especially since he still got discovered. I think that collecting intelligence and keeping secrecy/safety is something you should be concerned about ( HYDRA/SHIELD/HAND/etc.) Pros: - good development - It is interesting, especially the story of dr Bright. I hope for more thing like that when foreing forces ( not SCP foundation) try to capture SCP will be shown. - hope more SCP will appear End: First flaw idk how to eliminate it tbh, it doesnt make sense for me. Second flaw is not a flaw tbh because we can still argue that hydra still have some level of technology, so yeah he could still be found(technology from aliens in captain marvel movie). Ps. I hope you will update and keep it up, sorry if i offended you or something in my review is inconsistent i just want to let you see how it looks from my perspective. While it is long i hope it will help you as i enjoy reading it. My review may be bad when more chapters are revealed.

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago
    回復 Whatthecheese3

    Sorry, but the main concept i think was supposed to be the fact that he is the smartest and all, but it turned out into sign in novel. That's my opinion

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago

    In my opinion it is bad, he was supposed to be smartest like Rick Sanchez but the only thing he did is make Facebook and Instagram, which is not that special. Next he make some kind of vape that energetize you, that's good but useless. The most funny thing is that you did BO stick, i would understand if IT was some op weapon made to look like it but have technology of lasers or the like but it is not, and seriously smoke bombs? I will repeat he is "the smartest" ... I understand love to family etc but the fact that he was supposed to be smart and instead of focusing on technology he runs around to fight some thugs...

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago

    To be honest everything is good , just dont make intelligence cap at S or it wilk be bulshit how he can cast max 20 basic spells having B- int

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241552 years ago

    IT seems interesting i Hope you will continue as the concept and the story is very good, grammar can be bad but i read worse. I love the story

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241553 years ago

    "Marvel and cultivation don't work" In my opinion it work because even if rules in Marvel make it impossible, it is fiction so stop using rules as if people never read marvel fiction in which rules where broken. If you say that having cultivation in marvel is bad idea u can stop reading but for me this is great as someone who read a lot of Cultivation novels i am used to reading trash and braindead Mc or novels that kill my brain cells. This fanfiction is great because Mc have brain and i hope this will not change, second i hope there will be no nerfing Mc as this is marvel and there is no reason to do this, third i am curious how this sect building will be. Author i hope you will continue this novel because this is great idea, while not unique you are making this work and it is not boring to read.

  • Raizel24155
    Raizel241553 years ago

    I Hope it will be picked .............................,.....................................................,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.