more editing help here. You "avenge" someone for something that was done to them (think The Avengers, they seek justice for others).... you "take revenge" for something that was done to you....
pretty sure you mean cliche... not clique. a clique is a group that hangs out together, often not a positive connotation, think the "mean girls" in school. cliche, is something predictable because it's common enough to become a trope, like the evil step mother
bwahahaha ok this chapter cracked me up...
change like Trump.... OMG I laughed so hard... alas American politics have bled over into my Chinese fluff novels. *sigh* so much for escapism.
more nope. it's gaslighting to make someone apologize for being manhandled and violated. no. I dont give two s**** what your "logic" is for putting your hands on your spouse in anger. no cutsie after moment would fix that. this would be the beginning of the end for me. you tell toddlers to "use your words" Ethan is way too old not to know that.
nope Ethan just lost all cred. you don't get to use your rage to "teach" someone you love anything.
empathy, not emphatic
it's "bye Felicia" bc being curt is part of the insult... "see you later Felicia" is too wordy ..lol... movie quotes from the nineties for one hundred Alex.
oh I'm sure my wife and daughter will enjoy meeting you Charlene. here's to a happy cooperation. I'll have to trouble you to show up in a couple of weeks while i make arrangements for your internship.
bwahaha I Love Shu Pan! tell him girl, right to his face. lol