can u believe it? I read this in ssenior high, and now I'm already a graduating student in college and yet my most beloved favourite book is still in this state *sigh*.
6 years. *sighhs* 6 f**ing yrs people. TN nim, any updates about the author's RL situation and her thoughts for this unfinished baby? I hope I see this completed bfore I even find a boyfriend & get married. I know I said this as a joke last time but I didn't think it'd may actually highly possibly become a reality now. Ughhhh! Re-read for the hundredth times already. 🤦
Oh! Oh... Uhmm..
wow, I'm speechless
f***, my appetite just flew out.. excuse you, I'm eating here for f***s sake 🤦
Hahahaha, I can't.. 🤣😂😍😍😍
I really appreciate that u reposted it and for not locking it but seriously it's really just MTL ( Machine Translation) dhdjxnndnfnfndndjskawjh!!!
I've read it for like 4 times already and I'm going to read again to comfort my poor heart, *sighsss*
Honestly, I'm kinda tired waiting and my heart is weary. I really feel like crying. It's nearly the end of the world but I don't know if this novel will still be updated in the years to come. Uggghhhhhhh... Right at the most critical moment, it just had to stop, right. Like WHAT . THE. FLIP. IS WRONG WITH U?!.. how could you????? and it's not just a few months or a year or so. It just had to be a few yeaaaarssss. I have been waiting............... for sooooooo looooooooong for their romance and for the family reunion. But it just had to stop... AT THE MOOOOOOST CRITICAL MOMENT. Why????? It's like, I finally met my soulmate, and we both reaaaallyy enjoyed our time together and like he was all I could EVER ask for and I didn't wan't him to leave my side, not even a second BUT........ he just had to LEAVE. Like dead Dead, like CANNOT BE REVIVED deAd. Bruuuhh, the dissapoinment, can u feel it?? That's how hopeless I'm feeling right now. This novel was like my ONE TRUE LOVE. The author said she just needed to take a break and that she loved and wanted her characters to have a good ending. But looking at how long it's taking and her posts on weibo. It just gives me that feeling you know. I...... just.....*sighsssss* I feel really uneasy. I just try to distract myself by reading other fun novel but the truth is this has been lingering in the back of my head for years.. and has always been in my heart.
I mean spoiler