I consume books at an unhealthy pace.
here you can see it absorbing wukong's staff
it's basically Hoopla's ring from Pokemon.
good chapter!
actually false, if you go back to where she was introduced, the train game, the MC remarks that she is wearing the marin cosplay outfit and calls her Marin but Umi angrily corrects that she isn't some random anime character.
I mean, I think this makes sense. The utility of having a champion level duo that can control weather is a great utility slot.
translators are not writers by trade
it's a mistranslation, the original translation was something like magic visitor or alien basically
I want the frogs return not Asgard update, bah! can't believe I've been baited into a double cliff hanger.
I've missed him so much!!
the chapters being out of order ruins the momentum a bit, you've already posted the chapter where she wakes up after being saved and he gets his level ups