kind and caring
I will be waiting for you #singing
wish of the same thing
Wow ,this Xia household is too much,who killed their daughter,isn't she alive,Chu Lui saved her and she stabbed Ruoxin.oh wow i would like to see where this is heading,i am wondering whats gonna happen
Thanks author for the updates,but when is Rainy gonna be back,when will chu luis mother wake up,Ruoxin you need to pull through,you have been through so much critical conditions,i really wish you could have accepted your brothers assistance or at least take one bodyguard while he insisted,
Agreed.Lui is an idiot,fool,why didn't he call brother San just to check the person behind.
You will make it through Ruoxin,you have been through so much,now that Gao yi is your doctor he will help you.The Lu family are going to kill them for revenge of their beloved newly found daughter,especially her father,Xia household is in danger shame.
Same here,he is a stupid fool.they deserve one another
Chu Lui,how stupid of you,how can you do this,thank you Wei for saving her,Brother San lets hope you will tell Chu Lui the truth about new Ruoxin identity before he decides or forced to marry that murder ,slut
When will these end,i hate this,how can Ruoxin suffer so much even after her identity has changed,Chu Lui your something else ,worse than a witch,.i am beggining to wonder where is this going.
God please help Ruoxin,this revenge,i do not know where its going but lets hope it doesn't end bad for her ,i miss Rainy so much,she inspired me ,hope Chu Lui is gonna look for her.