Not quite proud of posting another authors work in here hehe.
that's basically people on this site. they don't care about any of the good story or grammar they only care about the fandom it's written in or the sex
go ahead man no one's stopping you 😭😭
bro read the summary next time 💀💀
wonder if your mc will have one night stands here and there before becoming Gwen's. I mean marvel have a lot of beautiful girls maybe take a bite before committing.
bro this chapter was so unnecessary, like I understand what ur doing but like it's so pointless. there's a difference between showing how bad a character is and then there's the thing where its just needlessly pointless
I must say this is shaping up to be slightly better than the other one. mostly because it has a faster pace than the other one, which is considerably slower. either way love them both
tbh I feel like having home alone reach 5 movies is a bit much. People would've lost interest in it by the 3rd movie.
yeah it's cringe hahaha