I'm confused on how the cool down counter works. The more hrs means a longer longer time before the next simulation right?
Him being able to fuse with his martial soul makes no sense at all.
What ever helps you sleep at night.
The original author needs a therapist and a 1 way ticket to jail/psychiatrist facilities
Does he do those stupid hand signs?
What's witht he chapter title? It has nothing to dow with anything
Damn, already used my votes
Uhh what? The lie is "I can learn" meaning he can't learn it..? That's not a lie. He's jsut stating a fact that "I don't know how to but I can learn how to." A lie would be "I can fly this thing right now"
So.. DxD, Marvel, and maybe Riordan(Percy jackson) so far? And maybe DC if Lucifer is the same one from that recent TVshow or not.