He cant revive the soldier and add them to his army, the revival was from lingering mana...
Yes, was thinking, that the could change the color of fuel to give it more speed 😄
yeah, but I think the kid died too soon in the show to do anything memorable 😅
Looking for more chapters.
does the author have patreon or anything where I can throw money at his face?
Will mafuba be the star technique ? 😁
there is actually something called sinew, Google it up 😉
oh yeah, he met Gohan when baba was testing him.
Finished my ING degree in applicated electronics, sadly life does not get better after it, you just fell super empty, simply because you worked hard and sacrificed so much, that the only thing you have going for you is just 3 letters infront of your name... Can't buy house, too expensive, hardly able to pay rent etc... oooph end of my rant